Display 6961 - 7000 hits of 7590.
python-qt4-xml | 4.11.4-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | PyQt 4 xml | PCLinuxOS |
python-qt4-xmlpatterns | 4.11.4-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | PyQt 4 xmlpatterns | PCLinuxOS |
python-qt5-qscintilla | 2.9.1-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python Qt5 QScintilla bindings | PCLinuxOS |
python-requests | 2.11.1-2pclos2017 | noarch | Python HTTP for Humans | PCLinuxOS |
python-scipy | 0.17.1-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Scientific tools for Python | PCLinuxOS |
python-svn | 1.8.10-3pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python bindings for Subversion | PCLinuxOS |
python-symeig | 1.4.1-7pclos2017 | x86_64 | Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for numpy | PCLinuxOS |
python-tables | 3.2.2-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Hierarchical datasets in Python | PCLinuxOS |
python-tables-doc | 3.2.2-2pclos2017 | noarch | Documentation for PyTables | PCLinuxOS |
python-talloc | 3.6.0-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python module for Samba\'s talloc memory allocator | PCLinuxOS |
python-tdb | 3.6.0-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python bindings to Samba\'s tdb embedded database | PCLinuxOS |
python-tevent | 0.9.31-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python module for Samba4\'s event management library | PCLinuxOS |
python-typing | 3.6.2-1pclos2017 | noarch | Typing defines a standard notation for type annotations | PCLinuxOS |
python-urllib3 | 1.21.1-1pclos2017 | noarch | Python HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, fil | PCLinuxOS |
python-werkzeug | 0.11.10-1pclos2017 | noarch | The Swiss Army knife of Python web development | PCLinuxOS |
python-werkzeug-doc | 0.11.10-1pclos2017 | noarch | Documentation for python-werkzeug | PCLinuxOS |
python-xattr | 0.7.9-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Extended attributes for python | PCLinuxOS |
python-yaml | 3.10-3pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python package implementing YAML parser and emitter | PCLinuxOS |
python-zeroconf | 0.19.1-1pclos2017 | noarch | Pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library | PCLinuxOS |
python3 | 3.4.3-6pclos2017 | x86_64 | An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming lang | PCLinuxOS |
python3-chardet | 2.3.0-1pclos2017 | noarch | Character encoding auto-detection in Python | PCLinuxOS |
python3-chromecast | 0.8.2-1pclos2017 | noarch | Library for Python 3 to communicate with the Google Chromeca | PCLinuxOS |
python3-click | 6.7-1pclos2017 | noarch | Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line uti | PCLinuxOS |
python3-configobj | 5.0.6-1pclos2018 | noarch | Config file reading, writing, and validation for Python 3 | PCLinuxOS |
python3-cups | 1.9.73-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | Python 3 bindings for the CUPS API | PCLinuxOS |
python3-curl | 7.43.0-1pclos2018 | x86_64 | A Python interface to libcurl for Python 3 | PCLinuxOS |
python3-cython | 0.22.1-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Language for writing Python 3 extension modules | PCLinuxOS |
python3-docopt | 0.6.2-1pclos2017 | noarch | Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile - package | PCLinuxOS |
python3-docs | 3.4.3-6pclos2017 | noarch | Documentation for the Python programming language | PCLinuxOS |
python3-flask | 0.12.2-1pclos2017 | noarch | A micro-framework for Python3 based on Werkzeug & Jinja 2 | PCLinuxOS |
python3-gobject3 | 3.20.1-3pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python 3 bindings for GObject Introspection | PCLinuxOS |
python3-h5py | 2.3.1-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Read and write HDF5 files from Python 3 | PCLinuxOS |
python3-html5-parser | 0.4.4-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python HTML5 Parser / Python 3 library | PCLinuxOS |
python3-iniparse | 0.4-5pclos2017 | noarch | Python 3 Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Da | PCLinuxOS |
python3-itsdangerous | 0.24-2pclos2017 | noarch | Python 3 library for passing trusted data to untrusted envir | PCLinuxOS |
python3-jinja2 | 2.9.6-1pclos2017 | noarch | General purpose template engine for python3 | PCLinuxOS |
python3-keyring | 8.5.1-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python 3 library to access the system keyring service | PCLinuxOS |
python3-libopenshot | 0.1.9-1pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python 3 bindings for libopenshot | PCLinuxOS |
python3-magic | 5.31-2pclos2017 | noarch | Python 3 module to use libmagic | PCLinuxOS |
python3-matplotlib | 1.4.3-2pclos2017 | x86_64 | Python 2D plotting library | PCLinuxOS |